PRP for hair density and volume

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PRP for hair density and volume


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy harnesses the body’s natural ability to heal itself by concentrating the elements in your own blood that promote growth and healing into a powerful serum directly injected into the area in need of repair. In aesthetic medicine, this regenerative treatment can be combined with other procedures or used on its own.


Ayana clinic offers two types of PRP treatment: the PRP Glow Up Booster and PRP Hair Restoration. 

Our Glow Up Booster combines the healing properties of PRP with collagen injections targeted to restore volume and reduce the look of scarring or wrinkles for a targeted effect that stimulates your natural healing where it can do the most good. 

PRP Hair Restoration helps to address hair loss or thinning hair by injecting the healing plasma into the scalp at the level of the hair follicles to promote hair growth.